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Factory Shop - Now Closed

To our incredible customers, 

As we continue to grow and expand, our little shop, which has been a sanctuary of scents and creativity, no longer has the space it needs on our site at St. Eval.  So, the time has come to say goodbye, and to close the factory shop doors for good. 

We are truly grateful for the love, warmth and support you've shown our factory shop over the years. We take immense pride in having been able to welcome so many of you into our store, where you experienced not just our fragrances, but also the passion of our craft first hand. 

Whilst our factory shop may now be closed, we promise that the magic of a St. Eval store is far from over. Watch this space...

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Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being an essential part of our journey. 

With love and anticipation, 

The St. Eval Team 


Date: August 2023